Discover how neuromuscular habits affect all aspects of life and learn how to change them for the better with the Alexander Technique.


Stress and Anxiety,

Confidence and Performance issues

Recovery from injury or illness

These are just a few of the reasons why people have Alexander Technique lessons.


So what is Alexander Technique?

Alexander Technique is a life transforming skill which explores the connections between your thoughts and your body.

It tackles the root causes of back pain and many health problems by allowing the body to function and move in the way it was designed.

In Alexander Technique lessons you learn how to consciously change unhelpful neuromuscular patterns so your body and mind can work more efficiently.  You become aware of when you use unnecessary muscle tension in everyday activities and how this links with mental habits.  As you learn how to allow this to release, your body can work more easily without being held back by habitually tightened muscles.

You start to regain your natural poise and lightness of movement, your back becomes stronger and your breathing improves. This has a beneficial effect on your whole system including your emotional state and energy levels.

Going deeper with the Alexander Technique, improved awareness of your body and the ability to consciously change habitual responses can benefit all areas of life including relationships, parenting, work, study, performance and creativity.